Our Core Beer Range

Brouwerij Huyghe: Delirium Tremens / Nocturum / Red / Christmas
Strong Blonde / Dark / Red / Red
8.5% / 8.5% / 8.0% / 10.0% • 330ml Bottle
Tremens: Malty blond beer, lightly hopped and several world best beer awards. Warming alcohol flavour lingers.
Nocturnum: Dark brown, notes of chocolate, caramel and mocha. Spice can be detected also coriander.
Red: Deep dark red colour providing a delicate fruity scent of cherries and almond, balanced off with a sweet & sour flavour.

La Trappe: Witte / Puur / Blond / Dubbel Tripel / Quadrupel
Wheat / Organic Ale / Blonde Ale / Dark Abbey Tripel / Abbey Quadrupel
5.5% / 4.7% / 6.5% / 7.0% / 8.0% / 10.0% • 330ml Bottle
Witte: The only Trappist wit in the world, has a citrus, peach & apricot aroma and spice to boot refreshing and smooth.
Puur: La Trappe PUUR is an easily drinkable, fresh, hoppy, light Trappist ale. Only top-grade organic ingredients are used to brew this ale.
Blond: Sweet and fruity aroma, leading to a spice and bitter sweet taste.
Dubbel: Aroma of caramel, vanilla and roasted chocolate and the subtle taste of dates and honey & dried fruit, light bitterness.
Tripel: A Dutch Trappist bier, punchy fruit esters and a rich malt body ending, dry and bitter.
Quadrupel: Notes of vanilla and banana and the taste of dates, raisins & caramel. Malty, sweet and slightly burnt. Intense and warming.

Chimay: Blue / Rouge / White
Strong Brune / Abbey Dubbel / Abbey Tripel (Pale)
9.0% / 7.0% / 8.0% • 330ml Bottle
Blue: Sweet aromas of fruit then yeast esters, taste to follow of caramel, roasted malt and more fruit with a little spice. Warming.
Rouge: Rich red colour with an apricot and cherry aroma.
White: Hazy appearance plus balance of hops and yeast on the nose produces a muscat and raisin aroma.

Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V.: Piraat / Gulden Draak
Strong Dark Ale
10.5% / 10.0% • 330ml Bottle
Piraat: Fruity, spicy aroma and the complexity shines through the whole beer with a moderate low bitterness.
Gulden Draak: Two fermentations, the second with wine yeast. Flavours include prunes, honey, spice, cloves and rich fruit with an alcoholic warmth.
Kriek: Oude Geuze Mariage Parfait / Boon / Framboise
Geuze Lambic / Cherry Lambic / Raspberry Lambic
8.0% / 4.0% / 5.0% • 375ml Bottle
Geuze: Tart, refreshing, sparkling dry. Tremendous experience and a high quality Lambic.
Kriek: Slightly sweet to taste due to the real cherries used and a fragrance of sour cherries and almonds from the kernel.
Framboise: 25% Raspberry, 5% cherry make up this Lambic beer (spontaneous fermentation). Sweet and sour, a delicious beer all year.
Mongozo: Banana / Pilsner / Coconut
Fruit Beer / Gluten Free Pilsner / Fruit Beer
3.6% / 5.0% / 3.6% • 330ml Bottle
Banana: A quirky beer more in tune with a banana milkshake if it weren’t for the carbonation.
Pilsner: Pilsner beer gluten free. Offering the full floral, spice and herbs. Organic and Fair Trade.
Coconut: If you wish, this beer can be served in a coconut and why not, this is a sweet wheat beer with plenty of coconut flavour.
Paulaner: Hefe-Weizen Naturtrub / Hefe-Weizen Dunkel / Münchner Hell
Hefeweizen (Wheat Ale) / Dark Beer / Pale Lager
5.5% / 5.0% / 4.9% • 500ml Bottle
Naturtrub: Banana on the nose and hints of pineapple and mango. A perfectly balanced wheat bier and Germany’s No.1 Hefeweizen.
Dunkel: Mahogany brown offering a roasted aroma with hints of dark chocolate
Münchner Hell: The no.1 selling Bavarian beer. Helles is the style Germans brewed to rival Pilsner, this starts malty sweet but drys out as the lovely hoppy, malty and biscuit backbone takes over.
Pressure Drop: Wu Gang Chops the Tree / Bosko
Hefeweizen (Weat Beer) / Retro American IPA
3.8% / 6.5% • 330ml Bottle
Wu Gang: A real thirst quencher, hazy beer due to the wheat, with herbal tones and hints of clove, citrus and banana.
Bosko: Pine on the nose with sweet tropical fruit and spice that follows into the taste, very well-balanced malt profile.
St. Bernadus: Tripel / Pater 6 / Wit / ABT12
Abbey Tripel / Abbey Dubbel / Witbier / Quadrupel
8.0% / 6.7% / 5.5% / 10.0% • 330ml Bottle
Tripel: A beautiful pale ale with a fruity aroma and hints of Orange and honey to taste.
Pater 6: A beautiful Moorish dubbel offering similar notes to the ABT12 but lighter with its raisin and candied fruit notes.
Wit: A fine refreshing wit bier, orange and coriander and a honeyed backbone with spice bitterness, best wit in Belgium.
ABT12: Quadruple style, brewed and mirrored on the famous Westvleteren 12 this is regarded as one of the best beers in the world.
Brasserie Rochefort Belgium: Trappistes Rochefort 6 / 8 / 10
Strong Brune / Strong Dark / Quadrupel
7.5% / 9.2% / 11.3% • 300ml Bottle
6: Lighter body than the other two Rocheforts, reddish hue, offering a herbal aroma and flavour which develops into a deep fruitiness.
8: Trappist beer offering dried fruit flavour with undertones of fig, balanced with a biscuit malty note and delicate spice.
10: Caramel, Molasses & fruit nose and then a rich plumb and Raisin flavour with notes of cocoa and caramel, strong warmth from the alcohol coincides with the bold body.
Westfale Belgium: Tripel / Dubbel
Abbey Tripel Pale Ale / Abbey Dark Ale
9.5% / 7.0% • 330ml Bottle
Tripel: A complex ale with a fruit aroma and delicate spice notes that work in harmony. The product of a secondary fermentation lasting five weeks. It is soft and creamy in the mouth, with a bitter touch.
Dubbel: Trappist beer offering ripe banana notes, fragrant fruit and esters with caramel and toffee matiness. Full body flavour that is fruity and slightly bitter, with a long, dry finish.